The University of Dallas Facilities Department follows Integrated Pest Management (IPM), and regulatory guidelines set by the EPA, TCEQ, and the Texas Department of Agriculture Structural Pest Control Board.
Facilities staff are not licensed pest control applicators; as such we cannot treat your room, office, kitchen, lab. The Facilities Department maintains pest control contracts with the following companies:
- Arrow Exterminators® serves as our "Structural" applicator
- Techscape® serves as our outdoors "Lawn and Ornamental" applicator
- A WildLife Pro® serves as our Critters and Varmints trappers.
These contractors are licensed by the State of Texas and may legally apply pesticides, herbicides, bait and set trap devices.
Applications of aerosols / gas, or particulate pesticides CANNOT be accomplished while the room/area or office is occupied. To do so is a violation of State, and Federal regulation. If the pest problem in the area is significant, a time and date will need to be arranged in order to treat the area while it is unoccupied.
Overwintering Wasps: Information for Residents
Notification of intent to treat for pests
The State of Texas requires that pest control applicators give 48 hours advance notice of their intent to treat an area. Here on campus, since we know that we will receive pest control service every Tuesday, a work request shall serve as notice of intent to treat. Requests for immediate treatment require that the requester sign a waiver negating the advance notification.
State IPM regulations also require that the campus be notified prior to the broadcasting of pesticides and herbicides outdoors. A notice shall be submitted 48 business hours in advance by email to "udlist" on the campus email system.
Mosquito fogging (April - November) on campus is performed before 6am on Saturdays for various zones on campus with denser than average vegitation.
LEED's Buildings
SB Hall, and Cardinal Farrell Hall are LEED's buildings. LEEDs is the acronym for: Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. It is a ratings designation by the US Green Buildings Council. LEEDs buildings are certified for energy, and environmental efficiency. They must maintain compliance to some very unique requirements.
There are certain types of pest control that must be practiced in a LEEDs building. They go beyond State IPM regulations. Basically pest control in a LEEDs building requires;
- frequent audits and documentation
- determinations of the types of pests who could inhabit the structures
- education of the staff who service the building
- the use of engineering controls
- notification of the intent to treat withinn 24 hours
- use on non-pesticide methods of treatment
- use of Green List pesticides as a last resort
Arrow Exterminators will be our pest control contractor for LEED's buildings.
A Note Regarding Mosquitoes
In response to the emergence of mosquito-borne diseases such as, "West Nile Virus", and "Zika" the Facilities Department schedules pest control to treat the pond located on the NE corner of campus at Vilfordi Walkway.
We also have monthly mosquito fogger treatments to different areas of campus. Treatments occur early in the mornings. Even though the product is organi , if you notice the uniformed pest control technician applying pesticide, please do not walk through that area.
Safety Data Sheet information may be obtained by contacting Facilities at extension 5296, or by accessing the MSDSonline® link on our Facilities Resources page. Please remember to avoid standing pools of untreated water in the mornings and at dusk during the spring & summer seasons.
Critters & Varmints
Our campus is located close to the LB Houston Nature Trails, a dense wooded area to the north of campus. Many creatures wander on to our campus. If you see animals such as bobcats, armadillos, skunks, opossums, foxes, or snakes please report it to Facilities. Do not attempt to feed, pet, or antagonize these animals. Stray dogs or cats on campus may also be reported to Facilities or CSO. If you notice an animal in a trap, please notify Facilities so that city animal control may be contacted. Do not try to free the animal, or touch it. Dead animals on campus should also be reported to Facilities.
If you have a campus pest problem
If you have a pest control issue, please submit a work request at least 48 business hours in advance of each Tuesday. All work requests submitted for pests in buildings & residential halls are issued to the Arrow Exterminators pest control technician for treatment. If you notice pests still inhabiting the area after treatment, please submit a new work request.